Digital Marketing: What Are The 7 Best Strategies?

No matter what industry your business belongs to or what size your company is, digital marketing is an essential part of your business growth. But you need the best digital marketing strategies on your side to grow your company and revenue. Which strategies will work best for your company today, and which ones will still be relevant to consumers?

See how you can implement these top digital marketing strategies in 2023:

Digital marketing strategies - what are they?

Using online channels such as search and social media, your business can achieve its marketing goals with a digital marketing strategy. A strategy plan typically summarizes the channels and tactics you plan to use for digital marketing, as well as the amount you intend to spend on these channels.

Which digital marketing strategies are examples of?

Social media campaigns that partner with influential influencers, content marketing strategies that drive leads through online guides, and growth marketing strategies using social media and email can all be examples of digital marketing strategies.

Digital marketing: why is it important?

In order to succeed in digital marketing, it is crucial to have a strategy. You can rest assured that WebFX, as a full-service digital marketing agency, will begin by developing a smart and competitive digital marketing campaign management strategy for your company.

In the absence of Internet marketing strategies, your business lacks a path to achieving its key results and goals. If you don't know how to achieve your goals, you launch a digital marketing campaign that doesn't drive any results. That leads to digital marketing campaigns that don't work.

A digital marketing plan is necessary if you're going to invest in digital marketing.

Digital marketing strategy: what you need to know

Do you need help creating a digital marketing strategy?

Steps to follow:

  1. Identify your unique selling points (USPs), voice, and value proposition so that you can describe your brand in your online campaigns.
  2. Identify your customer personas: Consider who you want to reach with custom buyer personas. Think about your company's demographics as well as the factors that motivate customers to make a purchase from you.
  3. Identify your S.M.A.R.T. goals: Think about your organization's short- and long-term goals for growth. Think about specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely goals.
  4. Choose the digital marketing strategy that is best suited to your business. Do not focus on trendy strategies but rather the ones that are most effective for your industry and business.
  5. Research online marketing pricing to build your business's digital marketing budget. As a guide, businesses spend approximately $2500 to $12,000 on online marketing each month.
  6. Plan your strategy: If you're advertising, decide how much you're going to spend. If you're publishing content, determine what you'll write.
  7. Your campaigns should be launched across multiple channels following your planning. Ensure each channel includes tracking information. For example, your website should have your Google Analytics tracking code.
  8. Make sure your strategies are performing by tracking their performance. Use Google tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Google Ads to determine your return on investment (ROI).

In this article, we've outlined eight steps you can follow to launch your first online marketing campaign. If you need help creating an online marketing campaign (or would like to create the best one, contact us at WebFX for assistance).

How to market your business digitally with these 7 strategies

1. Optimization of search engines (SEO)

Modern digital marketing initiatives include search engine optimization (SEO).

How does SEO work?

Your website will rank higher on search engine results if you improve it so that it ranks highly for keywords and phrases related to your business. The more keywords you rank for, the more people will see and become familiar with your website and business.

Why is SEO important?

In search engine optimization (SEO), your website is positioned to attract more visitors from members of your target audience. These consumers are searching for the products and services you offer, as well as users searching for content at the top of the funnel.

The keywords "residential landscaping design" and "common lawn weeds" may help you rank higher in search results as a landscaper. Even though the keywords have different intentions, one is transactional and the other is informational, they are targeted towards your business.

Your website receives more traffic from relevant users as a result of that targeting.

Digital marketing: why should you use SEO?

The importance of SEO cannot be overstated in digital marketing strategies. Almost all users start their search for a new product or service by using a search engine, which intercepts every member of their target audience — no matter where they are in their buying funnel.

With SEO as part of your online marketing strategy, this could be your business. Did you know 80 percent of consumers do their product research online?

The first page of search results appears to have most of the answers users are looking for, so if you appear on the second page, you are hidden from their view - out of sight, out of mind.

Our performance-driven SEO services are an essential part of our online marketing strategy. Through our performance-driven SEO services, you can attract more potential clients and earn more revenue.

2. Paid search advertising (PPC)

PPC advertising is another effective and cost-effective online marketing strategy.

How does pay-per-click work?

An auction-based system is used for PPC advertising.

If you bid on keywords, your ad appears when a user searches for those keywords - the ad triggers when the user searches for those keywords. You then pay for a click if a user clicks on your advertisement. These ads appear at the top of search results, above organic listings.

Ad space is free - only results are charged.

The goal of PPC is to achieve what?

Searchers who use PPC have transactional queries, meaning they are ready to purchase your products or services. Upon clicking on your ad, they will be directed to your landing page, where they will be prompted to take a specific action, such as purchasing a product, signing up for your newsletter, or doing something else.

Is PPC a good strategy for digital marketing?

An effective way to advertise is with pay-per-click advertising.

If your company's organic search result ranking is several pages down, PPC can be useful if you're just getting started with digital marketing or just looking for a quick boost.

There are more than two trillion searches done on Google each year, making it the most popular PPC platform. Google Ads offers companies an impressive return on investment for their PPC budget.

For every $1 invested, you get an average ROI of $2 if you advertise on another platform.

With PPC ads targeting keywords designed for conversion, it's no surprise that many users end up purchasing products or services from PPC ads. It is, however, a fact that demonstrates why PPC is integral to a comprehensive Internet marketing plan.

Whether your company ranks on page one for several high-value keywords or not, PPC can significantly boost conversions. That is why you should combine PPC and SEO when it comes to digital marketing.

Considering PPC as a marketing strategy?

For companies across the country looking for the best digital marketing strategy, we're the trusted choice with more than 20 years of experience and $3 billion in revenue driven for our clients.

3. Promotion of content

Nowadays, companies are turning to content marketing for online marketing.

Content marketing: what is it?

During content marketing, your business focuses on providing users with educational, engaging, and engaging content. This content can take the form of videos, blog posts, infographics, and more, providing consumers valuable information.

You could write articles about how to take care of a snowboard, what accessories can improve ski performance, or what a beginner needs for their first outing if you run a business that sells ski and snowboard equipment.

Your content targets specific keywords with each piece.

Our award-winning team would optimize your snowboard care article for search and users, for instance, with keywords like "how to maintain a snowboard" or "how to wax a snowboard."

Your content must be relevant to your audience and beneficial to them, regardless of what format you choose for it. You want to create original and high-quality content that users want to share with their friends, families, coworkers, and other people in their social network.

Content marketing?

Content marketing is a digital media strategy that aims to increase traffic, generate conversions, and provide valuable information to your target audience. The goal of content marketing from a technical perspective is to make your content more visible in search results by optimizing it for search engines.

Digital marketing strategies that use content marketing?

The best part about content marketing is that it costs 62 percent less than traditional marketing approaches, as well as connecting with audiences throughout the buying funnel.

Today's users hold a lot of power in the online marketplace. Your company's messages can be read or ignored by customers, whether they are promotional or informational. The importance of content marketing is growing as more and more people respond positively to informational content from companies.

4. Marketers send emails

There are few online marketing strategies that are as cost-effective as email marketing.

Email marketing: what is it?

Keeping your brand top-of-mind and encouraging repeat business are all great reasons to use email marketing. It serves to retain existing customers and gain new ones at the same time.

You need to develop and refine your campaigns and grow your audience both of which are core to email marketing. In order to keep users engaged, you also need to provide them with valuable information - otherwise, they won't stay subscribed to your newsletter.

In other words, if you make it easy for your users to remember your company when they're ready to buy, you'll bring them closer to choosing your company.

By sharing tips on how to maintain a heating and cooling system, lowering energy bills, and more, an HVAC marketing campaign might use email to build relationships with homeowners and businesses. A medical equipment marketing strategy, by contrast, may use email to promote product innovations, conferences, and wholesale discounts.

It is more likely that those subscribers will choose the HVAC company if they need service, whether it's maintenance, emergency, or installation.

By segmenting your audience, you could also create personalized emails. For instance, you could send emails to users who purchased a particular product or visited a specific webpage.

How does email marketing work?

Digital marketing initiatives such as email marketing aim to keep your company at the top of mind with potential customers, as well as to keep your current clients coming back by providing them with useful information, such as relevant industry news, and personalized content, such as product coupons.

As a digital marketing strategy, why use email marketing?

From manufacturing operations to retail stores to technology companies, email marketing offers tons of benefits.

Aside from audience segmentation, email design, and personalization, email marketing is an excellent solution for businesses looking to generate more leads and revenue online.

Your revenues can increase by 760 percent through smart segmentation, for example.

5. Marketing using social media

A social media marketing strategy is another way to market your business online.

Social media marketing includes advertising as well as marketing your company on social media.

Is social media marketing intended to achieve a specific goal?

As well as building and maintaining your company's reputation, social media marketing aims to increase brand awareness and conversions. Because of this, social media marketing emphasizes creating promotional and informational content, as well as interacting with users.

As part of your digital marketing strategy, why should you use social media marketing?

The amount of opportunity for businesses that invest in social media is immense since less than 30 percent of companies use it as a marketing strategy. Further, more than 25 percent of Internet users use social media — so it's a perfect way to connect.

If your business is inactive on social media, you exclude your business from conversations that happen on social media. Word-of-mouth recommendations are powerful - and social media has become a key outlet for digital word-of-mouth recommendations.

Consumers may overlook your company as a result of that. It can be hard for users to trust you if you have an inactive Facebook page — especially if you don't have any reviews or negative feedback from past customers. Social media marketing can help you change that.

6. Enhancing voice search results

Internet marketing companies are increasingly adopting voice search optimization strategies.

Is voice search optimization something you should be aware of?

By optimizing your website content for voice search, your company will be able to claim the featured snippet of Google's search results and the position zero position in the Google search results.

How come?

Siri, Amazon Echo, and many other voice assistants use the featured snippet to respond to voice searches. For example, If you ask Siri or Amazon Echo how to clean a stinky dishwasher, they will reply with the featured snippet.

In today's world, voice searches differ significantly from text searches, making it imperative to optimize your voice search strategy. If you're a local business, this strategy is even more important, as many mobile users use voice search to locate their closest restaurant, salon, or hardware store.

The goal of voice search optimization is to increase traffic to your website.

Featuring snippets for your target audience is the goal of voice search optimization. Position zero positions raise your business' online visibility to potential customers, which can result in store visits and product sales.

As a digital marketing strategy, why should voice search optimization be used?

Voice search is becoming increasingly popular as smartphones and voice-activated speakers become more common. As a result, it is one of the newest digital marketing strategies for companies.

In the near future, voice-activated speakers will allow companies to provide consumers with promotional content in the form of sales and new products, so investing in voice search optimization today can benefit your brand in the future.

7. Marketing videos

Businesses can also drive revenue through video marketing.

Video marketing: what is it?

In the same way that content marketing and email marketing work by creating informative and valuable videos, video marketing increases your company's reach, revenue, and operations.

You want to put your brand in front of your target audience, so whatever type of video you make, you want to build brand awareness. Like social media, email marketing, and content marketing, you want this brand awareness to lead to conversions.

The reason video marketing improves conversions by more than 85 percent is that it provides a greater level of engagement.

In video marketing, what is the goal?

In the same way voice search optimization appeals to current user behaviors, video marketing is aimed at improving company revenue, brand awareness, and conversion rates.

Videos are viewed by adults up to five hours per day, and brand awareness is increased by almost 140 percent after watching a video, whether it's a commercial announcement, an educational tutorial, or a relaxed behind-the-scenes look.

When it comes to digital marketing, why should video marketing be used?

The use of video marketing has been proven to improve conversion rates, making it increasingly popular as a strategy for online marketing. It's also an excellent addition to content marketing and email marketing.

What are the other reasons why your company should use video marketing?

In the same way, content marketing influences users, videos can also influence their purchases. An influencer's video can persuade users to choose your company if you invest in influencer marketing. For example, a how-to video can convince users that your product is right for them.

You must optimize your pages to earn a top ranking in search results, which is why it is so important. Your business can generate more valuable traffic and leads with videos to complement its content, resulting in better ranking for competitive keywords.

Got questions? Visit us @ and we’re happy to help. 

Thursday, April 13, 2023
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