E-A-T: What is it? Why is it important for SEO?

E-A-T stands for "Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness."

"Expertise" - As a creator, you need to demonstrate the creator's skills in the Main Content or (MC) and mention them in your content. For humor or gossip websites, expertise is less critical, but it's crucial for medical, financial, or legal websites. However, if the content is accurate and helpful to users, any site can demonstrate expertise.

"Authoritativeness" - You need to demonstrate that you are an authority or the authority of the creator of the MC. The authority of your page depends on the expertise of your writers or yourself. In a community or forum discussion, the quality of the conversation drives authority. Credentials matter, but personal experiences like reviews are also necessary.

"Trustworthiness" – Users need to trust the creator or company who created the Main Content, the Main Content itself, and the website as a whole. When users enter their credit card information on eCommerce websites, trustworthiness is especially important. All aspects of your site should make users feel safe while they are there. SSL certificates should be implemented on your site as soon as possible. At least 70% of first page results use SSL (it's one of Google's ranking signals).

A website's content needs to eat to survive. It is, of course, a different type of "eating," but the goal is to rank higher in Google.

The acronym E-A-T first appeared in 2014 when Google's Search Quality Guidelines were leaked. However, now that it's official, we know just how important it is. That's why E-A-T is expected to have a significant impact this year. With our SEO Services, we make sure your site meets Google's most important E-A-T criteria.

As Google states, E-A-T content is among the top 3 considerations for Page Quality. So you should start paying attention to E-A-T content if you haven't already.

What Makes E-A-T So Important for Web Pages?

A page's ranking is not determined by the Google quality rater guidelines, so why is expertise, authority, and trust so important?

As a result, E-A-T determines the value of a website. Quality raters look at E-A-T when judging a site or page. They look for a good online experience, as well as if the content meets their standards. The site earns a high E-A-T if the raters feel the content would be easy for users to read, share, and recommend.

Your website's E-A-T could have a direct impact on how Google receives - and ranks - your website.

YMYL stands for "Your Money or Your Life"

What are the effects of E-A-T on your website's visitors?

Google's "Your Money or Your Life" (YMYL) pages have topics on medical advice, legal advice, financial advice, and anything else that might positively or negatively affect a user's happiness, health, and wealth.

  • An online store asking for your credit card info
  • A mommy blog giving parenting advice
  • A financial institution blog offering legal advice
  • A medical health page listing symptoms for a rare disease

It is important to note that a high-ranking YMYL page has a high level of E-A-T, because the safer a user feels while visiting a page, and the more the content matches their search query, the better it will be able to meet their E-A-T needs. Rather than trying to game Google's system, sites that are genuinely offering helpful advice or solutions to problems will meet these needs more readily.

To conclude:

The value of your website is only as high as what you put into it. Since E-A-T applies both to pages and sites, every element of your website needs to meet Google's requirements.

You may not believe us, but Google says that lack of E-A-T is a valid reason for giving a low-quality ranking to a page. If you're not an expert, authority, or trustworthy, your website may be considered low-quality.

The content you write must be engaging, useful, and accurate. And you must use E-A-T to meet the needs of both quality raters and actual users.

Make sure you bookmark this page - you never know when you will need a reminder to implement E-A-T correctly.

Got questions? Visit us @ www.sirkle.com and we’re happy to help.

Thursday, December 1, 2022
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