Engaging Blog Posts

Writing engaging blog posts isn't easy, but it's important if you want to differentiate your brand and get readers to act.

The number of conversions generated by interactive content can be 2X higher than that of static content, according to studies.

Don't forget, your search engine ranking will affect how much time people spend reading and engaging with your posts.

These 13 creative ways to interact with your blog will give you some ideas.

1. Test Your Knowledge

Your readers will interact with your content more if you use quizzes.

A BuzzFeed quiz on "What type of vegetable are you?" is a great way for people to test their knowledge on topics they're interested in.

Readers are engaged and keep scrolling until the very end of Huda Beauty's blog posts with mini-quizzes.

The Visme quiz creator enables you to create quizzes easily by linking elements together. For example, you can link objects to different slides within a presentation.

Adding your quiz to your blog is as easy as generating the embed code.

Also, quizzes can be used to generate leads! Once the quiz has finished, ask users for their names and email address so that they can receive their quiz results.

To keep your quizzes and designs on-brand, you can save your brand colors, fonts, and logo so that you can create them whenever you want.

2. Videos Can Be Embedded

Video-enabled pages have a 2.6x higher visitor engagement rate, according to Wistia.

At Visme, we regularly add videos to our blog posts to keep our readers engaged. If you want people to stay on your blog post, embed video content.

The use of videos makes your blog posts more interesting, as well as making them easier to consume by both readers and viewers.

3. Create A Slide Show

It is popular to use presentations as a way to condense information and long paragraphs of text into easily digestible slides. Moreover, readers can navigate through the slides while actively engaging with the content.

If you want to get your message across to people who prefer presentation to reading, provide them with a disclaimer (e.g. "Looking for a quick summary?").

You can also add a CTA to your presentation to drive people to act after your presentation in order to make it more engaging.

Our post contains a presentation embedded within it.

Using Visme's drag-and-drop editor, you can customize ready-made presentations with a variety of templates or make your own.

The editor allows you to create immersive slides with animations, transitions, pop-ups, rollover effects, links and more. Thousands of free images, illustrations, icons, shapes, photos and more are available at your fingertips.

To make your presentation on-brand, use charts and graphs to visualize numbers. Make your presentation more visually appealing with colors and fonts.

Upon completion of your customizations, create an embedded code for your presentation and place it wherever you want in your blog post.

4. GIF animations

The use of animated GIFs instead of videos is a good alternative since videos can be time-consuming to create.

The use of GIFs in your blog posts can captivate readers and add zest to the content. They are also more shareable than static images, and they can help clarify concepts more effectively in some cases.

If you want to demonstrate an action, such as using a tool or navigating through it, you can use animated graphics instead of static screenshots.

We use GIFs within our blog posts as visual aids as another example of how animation can help readers retain information.

In addition, GIFs can be found on websites like GIPHY, so you can find something relevant to your audience that is humorous and relevant.

If you're using a pop cultures reference, such as a GIF from a TV show or movie, make sure your audience knows about the reference. These types of GIFs are flashier and more viral, but only if they maintain your brand voice.

Make a GIF with these animated blog graphic templates in Visme, and you can share them on social media or embed them on your website.

5. Chart Making Made Interactive

When you visualize data graphically, you can help make boring statistics and numbers more interesting. However, why stick to static charts when there is an option to make them interactive?

It is much easier to understand and interpret interactive charts since they require active participation from the reader.

Adding animation to your chart to illustrate trends in a more understandable way would be a great way to have readers hover over different parts of the chart for more information.

6. Information Graphics That Can Be Shared Interactively

Infographics are loved by marketers for many reasons.

Aside from improving reading comprehension, infographics are easy to share, skim, and entertaining to view.

You're not doing anything new if you're just creating static infographics. Thousands of brands are creating static infographics every day on different subjects.

The best way to stand out is to create interactive infographics that encourage learning by involving readers.

Add animation or motion effects to your infographics to grab the audience's attention. Here is an example of an animated infographic template.

Make it easier for readers to navigate through your infographic by clicking or scrolling. It will be easier for them to remember the information when they are in control.

A static infographic can only convey a limited amount of information, whereas an interactive one can convey a lot more.

7. Share Socially

Whether it's sharing your content with colleagues, friends or family, an interactive blog post inspires readers to take action.

Adding social sharing buttons to your posts will make it easy for your readers to share your posts on their favorite platforms.

8. Create A "Tweetable" Quote

You can make more than just blog posts shareable.

You can create Twitter snippets from selected quotes with WordPress plugins, such as TweetDis.

The Tweetable Quotes plugin usually comes with various options for designing tweetable images, quotes, and sentences. Tweetable quotes can engage your readers and drive more traffic to your blog.

9. A Chatbot Can Be Used As An Interactive Tool

You like to include CTAs, pop-ups, and opt-ins in your blog posts if you're running one for marketing purposes.

Rather than engaging readers in an argument, why not have a conversation with them?

You can capture leads and convert readers into customers with the help of an interactive chatbot.

In the chatbot, readers can choose whether to accept or reject the download resource after they spend a certain amount of time on the post.

To access the resource, they must leave their email address on an opt-in screen once they accept the chatbot's offer.

Readers feel more in control when they use an interactive chatbot rather than a static CTA, as it engages them in a two-way conversation.

It's important that you personalize the chatbot conversation for each blog post or category if you choose this method.

10. Calculate Anything You Want

Adding a calculator to your posts can also encourage interaction.

By offering users personalized content, you help readers stay engaged by delivering content that's tailored to their individual interests and needs. Interactive calculators let you deliver personalized experiences on your blog.

The travel agency can build a calculator based on the visitor's budget, expectations, and travel preferences that calculates the estimated trip cost.

Your blog gains valuable insight into your target audience by using a calculator. For instance, in the example above, the website will gain an appreciation for the typical income expectations and average expenses of freelancers.

11. Section Jumps Are Available For Readers

A table of contents with anchor links can also help make your blog post more interactive, allowing readers to jump to sections that interest them.

Your blog's engagement and dwell time will increase if you add anchor links to sections to help visitors find content, they are interested in.

12. Maps With Interactive Features Should Be Embedded

Use an interactive map to visualize geographic information in your post.

The reader can click, scroll or hover on the map to learn more about different regions, for example, or you can display population data for different countries.

You can explore Coronavirus cases across the United States on this interactive map.

A map like the one above allows readers to hover over each state and see the number of cases and deaths.

You can create an interactive map using Visme, and you can customize them to fit your blog, as well as embed them onto your website. Check out the step-by-step guide to creating an interactive map here.

13. Virtual Tours Can Be Created

You can embed 360-degree virtual tours of properties into your blog posts to spice them up and make them more interactive.

Experience places of interest safely and conveniently with virtual tours.

As more and more people choose to experience places online rather than in person, this is especially relevant during COVID-19.

Interactive blog posts will wow your audience

A static website won't cut it in this digital age.

Your audience will love your interactive content, which turns to learn into a memorable experience.

Got questions? Visit us @ www.sirkle.com and we’re happy to help.

Friday, February 10, 2023
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