Promote Your Blog Posts

This is where your efforts begin to pay off after you've spent so much time and energy on ideation, research, and narrowing in on your niche.

The important thing is to lay the foundation for your blog to be successful right from the start. That's right: Research is also important at this stage.

You can have a lot of problems launching your blog if you don't have a plan of action.

The following checklist will assist you in promoting your blog effectively.

We'll tell you what you need to prepare for when your blog first goes live, plus what you can do to ensure it succeeds over time.

Checklists for blog promotion have many benefits

Maybe you feel like you have already done enough planning and research? What are you waiting for?

Even though you've already spent a lot of time on your blog, all your efforts will be for nothing without a proper marketing plan. Nobody wants a grand opening that goes unnoticed.

The following benefits can be gained from using a checklist:

Focusing on your efforts at this stage will help you to overcome procrastination. Planning and researching can be tiring, and it's easy to relax when it comes to executing.

Keeping up with your blogging momentum can be challenging once your blog goes live, so having a plan and tools to organize your tasks will help keep you organized.

Marketing is an important part of getting your blog off the ground. In order to get your blog noticed, you must understand how you will promote it.

Having a standard operating procedure for blog promotion can help you keep track of your time and activities.

The above benefits can be achieved by rolling out your blog in phases and ensuring the overall process remains manageable.

Here is a checklist to help you prepare for promotion

It's important to get your blog ready for the world before you start a blog promotion campaign.

Those who receive attention have a strong selling point, not because they are spammy. Influencers are unlikely to promote junk.

It is therefore important to identify the characteristics that make your blog unique and focus on promoting these.

Here are some pre-promotion checklist items you should include.

1. Hire freelancers if necessary.

You need a lot of resources and overlapping tasks to successfully promote your blog.

There are different ways to do this, depending on where you are.

As for me, I do both. I handle my most important tasks (think: strategy, optimization, etc.) myself, while outsourcing menial tasks to my virtual assistants.

A freelancer can help you promote your blog if you don't have time to deal with it yourself. This is an affordable option if you don't have other priorities. Plus, you can manage a remote team of freelancers while you're away.

It is also important to consider how you will organize your blog promotion strategy, which involves focusing on what's best first and creating a solid project management plan.

It's no secret that promoting a blog is a tedious task. Nonetheless, today there are several ways to promote it (successfully) without spending a ton of time or money. You just need to be familiar with your blog, who you're targeting, and how to do it.

My next point is related to that.

2. Blog posts should be accompanied by visuals.

By adding visual media to your blogs, you can help your readers retain information and remember your brand, because 70% of consumers remember visual content versus 30% of written content.

In addition to developing original heads for your blog, you can create infographics, graphs, and other visual media to help readers relate to your content.

Using visual content can also help your blog gain more traffic. We saw a 25% increase in blog traffic after running an experiment at HubSpot where image alt text alone helped boost your blog's SEO. Also important to optimize is your blog's accessibility.

3. Content quality is important.

Creating high-quality blog content before considering how you'll promote it is crucial. A blog that contains helpful, unique content that pertains to your product and brand is more likely to benefit your business in the long run than one that creates content for the sake of creating content.

Guest writers can also contribute to your blog, along with how-to content and ultimate guides. Besides mixing up the type of content you publish, you'll also be highlighting different viewpoints from your employees, network, and even current customers, giving your readers valuable insight.

Even though every blog needs evergreen content, you can keep your blog relevant and interesting by posting articles about recent events, trends, and seasonality.

It won't matter how well you promote your blog if it's low quality.

Using content tools to thoroughly check content is a quick way to produce high quality content. To ensure content is plagiarism-free and improve other important aspects, I use Grammarly before shipping it. To learn more about Grammarly, read my Grammarly review.

4. Searchable blogs are the best.

Your blog content should be optimized for search engines (SERPs) in addition to providing valuable, interesting content. Employ on-site and off-site SEO tactics to get your content ranked higher in search engines.

To You should write SEO-friendly blog posts, identify and integrate high-ranking keywords throughout your content, and link to relevant internal pages and influential external websites.

The best way to increase readership and engagement for your high-quality blog content is to optimize it for search. Better yet, it is more cost-effective than paying for campaigns.

5. Engage your readers in real-life conversations.

There are many ways to promote your blog; not all of them need to take place online and on your blog. You can build real relationships with your readers in a similar manner.

To start, establish and cultivate a readership. (What we'll discuss next is how to cultivate this following via email.) You can count on these readers to provide feedback and share your blog content.

It is also possible to build off-site relationships with other bloggers and businesses to leverage real relationships for blog promotion. You never know who will share your content if you share other people's on social media, email, and blog posts.

Blog Promotion Tips

1. Take advantage of repurposing.

When you re-purpose your top posts, you must understand what each one offers to your audience and then reimagine them as other forms of content.

You can repurpose blog posts into infographics, videos for YouTube, podcasts, and even presentations for SlideShare by turning them into infographics, videos, and presentations.

In addition to your blog post, you can add CTAs that encourage your readers to become leads. For example, you could include a free e-book that will encourage your readers to register.

When you repurpose your content, you'll be able to triple your blog traffic, and you'll also increase engagement on your blog.

2. Make your site more visible by building links.

You can build organic links once you have an understanding of your content.

Link-building is one of the most important aspects of ranking on Google. You have probably heard this a lot.

It's important to build links to your website in order to maintain a sustainable SEO strategy.

The next phase will discuss more about guest posting, which is one way to build backlinks to your site.

3. Track marketing campaigns with UTM links.

You can take advantage of UTM links with your content.

With UTM links, you can track your marketing campaigns on Google Analytics by adding a little code to the end of your blog post URL.

The data you get from Google Analytics alone is only a few simple metrics, like which websites or search engines your users are coming from. You can, however, track the exact content driving traffic by adding a UTM link to your post URL so that you can view detailed results.

Your links can also be tracked using URL shorteners or a custom link management tool.

You can assign priority UTM links to posts you plan to drive for a specific marketing campaign if you organize your content ahead of time.

4. Make social media posts about your blog.

The concept of social media promotion is likely not new to you.

One of the best ways to promote your blog post is to share it on social media.

The most effective way to promote your blog posts is by sharing them on social mediau aren't posting swipe-up links to your content daily. Instead, try creating a diverse social media content calendar with a variety of engaging posts, and have 3-4 a month drive traffic to a new or relevant blog post.

You'll always get the most exposure for your blog posts through social media sharing followers on your social media accounts, and over time, those followers will become naturally curious and take a look at your blog for themselves.

Furthermore, you can use a social media automation tool for managing all your social media accounts in one place.

5. Participate in Quora discussions.

You can use Quora to connect with people who might be interested in your blog's topics. It can also be an excellent platform for promoting your blog as a new blogger.

Make answering questions related to your niche a daily obligation by creating a Quora account.

If you copy and paste your blog URL into every Quora answer, you'll come across as spammy and might even be banned. If possible, provide useful answers to Quora users instead, and leave your blog URL on your profile for users to discover on their own.

6. Subreddits are good places to post.

You can also share your knowledge of a subject with a ready audience by creating a subreddit on Reddit.

It is easy to join Subreddits and participate in the conversation, which is another way to grow your following and influence.

7. Flipboard is a great way to keep up with posts.

Readers access Flipboard's cloud to access news sourced from the web.

In addition to allowing bloggers to publish their blog posts directly on Flipboard, the platform also enables followers to access the blog posts directly from Flipboard.

Your content and audience's preferred channels may determine whether Flipboard is a good channel for driving traffic to your blog.

8. Influencers can be contacted.

You can promote your blog most effectively by reaching out to influencers in your niche, but influencers often reject your request.

A relationship needs to be built before an influencer is willing to return a favor to you.

You may be able to form long-term relationships with influencers if you link to their blogs or social media sites in your blog posts.

For better email delivery rates, verify your email addresses while working on your outreach campaign.

9. Blogs that accept guest posts.

A guest post has been around for many years, and its effectiveness is still unmatched.

Getting in touch with similar blogs in your niche and pitching ideas for them to publish on their blogs are the steps required to guest post. In this case, the blog host receives high-quality, unique content, and you get a backlink to your own site.

The process of writing a high-quality guest blog post takes time and effort. You have to reach out to blogger contacts in your niche as well as craft a pitch email.

Taking this approach at a larger scale will require hiring freelance writers who can assist you in writing the blog post and conducting outreach.

10. Connect with similar or related blogs.

The benefits of leaving a comment on another blog still outweigh the fact that it won't affect your SEO rankings. Many bloggers have neglected to leave a comment on other blogs because they believe it won't affect their SEO rankings.

You can cultivate relationships within your community by leaving a comment on another blog in your industry.

Though this is admittedly small, it is still a possible way to promote yourself without spending much money or time.

11. Create heat maps.

Page-by-page user engagement can be tracked using a website heat map.

Using heat maps, you can collect information from your users, allowing you to make your website more engaging by ranking features based on how users interact with them.

Depending on the application, this may include showing elements like the pages visited, where the user clicked to exit, where the user scrolls, what content they view, etc.

Your user's experience can be better visualized and improved by using a heatmap.

12. Your website's performance can be audited and monitored using SEO tools.

You will not be able to rank well for your blog content unless you have a healthy website.

Using an SEO tool can help you optimize your website for users and search engines by analyzing its performance and identifying areas where improvement can be made.

Your blog should be promoted in the following places:

Getting your blog posts out there and building an audience is just as important as how you do it. In this section, we'll discuss the venues where you can share your content.

Send an email

It's a powerful tool to engage with industry experts and guest bloggers as well as cultivate your reader audience through email.

If you want to grow your email list of readers, you should consider starting a blog newsletter. Use a simple call-to-action (CTA) on your blog to encourage readers to subscribe.

Start segmenting your subscribers by topic interest when you have a substantial list. For example, you can do this by tracking blog links that subscribers click on, content offers they download, or products they purchase.

Getting in touch with people you mentioned in your content or quoted in can also be a good way to leverage email for blog promotion. In addition to alerting them to your mention, email also gives them an incentive to share your content with their networks. It is also more personal than Twitter, which we will discuss next.

Media sites for social networking

It is a great way to engage with readers and customers as well as share blog content via social media. With a short tweet, you can mention your blog or join conversations with professionals on Twitter, making Twitter a good tool for content promotion. Make sure you tag relevant people on Twitter as you promote your content (such as those you mentioned in your blog).

Promote your blog on as many channels as possible, sometimes posting multiple times with the same content. Take note of the timing of your posts on social media, particularly Twitter. Make sure you post when your audience is online, so you can post when they If all of your followers are online, be sure to share the same link. Also, be sure to add context to every link you share, or else they may not open them and read them.

Web page

For promoting your blog content, use your website as a tool. You should make sure to include your blog on your website's menu. Make sure that readers are encouraged to check out your blog throughout your website. A subscription CTA should also appear on your website so that visitors can subscribe to receive new posts.

Blog promotion itself is not going to happen overnight. Instead of focusing on techniques that only encourage "quick hits" in traffic, you'll want to lay a strong foundation for your blog to thrive in the long run.

In order to grow your reader base and convert more customers, you need a solid promotion plan to promote your blog posts. It doesn't matter how great the content on your blog is that it won't engage readers or convert customers without a solid promotion plan.

Got questions? Visit us @ and we’re happy to help.

Thursday, January 5, 2023
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